25 Positive Affirmations You Need to Hear
Not only am I a firm believer that your mindset is everything, the science also seems to suggest just that! Positive thinking and positive mindset have been linked to many health benefits, as well as the Law of Attraction. So how can we start to change our inner dialogue and start having more positive thoughts? Positive affirmations are one of the ways we can do that! Below, I’m going to introduce you to positive affirmations and also share 25 positive affirmations you need to hear!
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Postive Affirmations
What is a positive affirmation? According to mindtools.com, “affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.” There are no set guidelines to what a positive affirmation needs to include, which means you can also have a little fun with this!
The list of affirmations I’m going to give you are 25 affirmations I think are helpful to create financial abundance, a sense of self love and self appreciation. Once you have a better understanding of how positive affirmations work, you can tweak them and create your own to suit your unique lifestyle and goals!
25 Positive Affirmations You Need to Hear
This is a list of 25 positive affirmations you need to hear. Read them, repeat them, write them down and think of them often!
1. I am worthy of the same love I give so freely to other people.
2. I am strong enough to overcome the challenges I am presented with
3. I bring a unique perspective to the table. My ideas, thoughts and opinions are valid.
4. My body is my home. I am grateful for its many capabilities.
5. I will not worry about things I cannot control. I will focus my energy on the things I can change.
6. I am brave, bold and beautiful in both mind and body.
7. I am free of worry and regret.
8. I am becoming more confident every single day.
9. My thoughts become my reality. What I think, I can achieve.
10. Good riddance to decisions that don’t support my self love, self value and self worth.
11. I am separating myself from people, places, energies and paths that do not resonate with my soul, my values and my morals.
12. I give myself permission to cherish and honour myself, celebrate my wins, and choose a path that makes me happy.
13. I will not keep company that forces me to dim my light, question my self worth or cannot appreciate who I am.
14. I can accept that the plan may change, the universe is working on something great.
15. I unapologetically love myself and who I am becoming.
16. I am constantly getting better with each passing day. I look forward to being even better tomorrow.
17. Money easily comes to me and I welcome it when it does. Money flows to me like water flows downstream – effortlessly.
18. I appreciate money and it’s role in my life. I am grateful for the opportunities money has given me, and the opportunities it will continue to give me.
19. All of my emotions are valid. I am allowing myself permission to feel and express them.
20. I trust my instincts. I trust that I made the best decision I could with the knowledge I had at the time.
21. I am choosing to let this go for my peace of mind. (this one is for when you cannot stop thinking about something you cannot change)
22. The possibilities are endless. I am living in an abundance mindset.
23. I am in complete control of how I react to situations. I will not let a situation dictate my emotions.
24. I am giving myself permission to live freely from the thoughts and opinions of other people. Their thoughts and opinions do not affect how I will choose to live my life.
25. I am choosing to see the positives in this situation.
Which affirmation is your favourite? Tell me in the comments below!